Lipo Mino Diet
The Lipo Mino diet is our proprietary system designed to support your metabolism and help you maintain a healthy weight by combining the power of natural lipotropic and thermogenic ingredients.
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Easy Steps
Step 1

Take our Cleanse to dean the slate. It's formulated to supercharge your journey with a 15- day cleanse
featuring probiotics to restore the balance of healthy bacteria that can
be lost during the cleanse.
Coffee or Tea
Step 2

Start your day with our Lipo Coffee or Lipo Tea. These taste just like regular coffee and tea, except they support fat-burning and brain function while providing a surge of extra caffeine so that you feel energetic throughout the day.*
Lipo Mino
Step 3

Take our Lipo Mino. This lipotropic formula supports metabolism and fat burning with aminos used to aid in transporting fat and removing it from the body.*
Lipo Burn
Step 4

Take our Lipo Burn. This thermogenic formula supports the body's natural processes of generating internal heat to burn calories while helping regulate appetite and curb cravings.*
Dieta Lipo Mino
La dieta Lipo Mino es nuestro sistema patentado diseñado para aquellos que desean ver excelentes resultados sin seguir una dieta súper restrictiva. Esta dieta está diseñada para apoyar su metabolismo y ayudarlo a mantener un peso saludable combinando el poder de los ingredientes lipotrópicos y termogénicos naturales. Puede esperar ver una transformación corporal total cuando utiliza este método con una dieta reglamentada y un plan deejercicio.
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